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Producentens (Merck) eget produktresumé på dansk

Producentens (Merck) eget produktresumé på engelsk

Merks produktresumé af Gardasil 9 (HPV vaccine)

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld

Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine and Primary Ovarian Failure: Another Facet of the Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants

Professor Yehuda Shoenfeld

‘ASIA’ – autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants

Lucija Tomljenovic, Ph.d

Who Profits From Uncritical Acceptance of Biased Estimates of Vaccine Efficacy and Safety?

Professor Christopher Shaw

HPV vaccines and cancer prevention, science versus activism

Professor Vera Stejskal

Mercury-Induced Inflammation: Yet Another Example of ASIA Syndrome

Professor Diane Harper

Reduction in HPV Prevalence—No Evidence to Support HPV Vaccination reduces HPV Prevalence

Rebecca Chandler, Medical Doctor in the Research Section at Uppsala Monitoring Centre

Current Safety Concerns with Human Papillomavirus Vaccine: A Cluster Analysis of Reports in VigiBase

Her beskrives specifikke undersøgelser af aluminium adjuvansen i vacciner, der dokumenterer toksitet og kronisk tilstande, som desværre ikke nedbrydes naturligt, men som resulterer i autoimmune reaktioner og skader på celleplan og DNA.

Dokumentationen viser tydeligt at flere personer bliver invaliderede og meget alvorligt syge af HPV vaccinen. Tilsvarende fund / biomarkører er gjort hos flere danske HPV skadede piger i udlandet.

Der er ikke anvendt en neutral saltvandsplacebogruppe i sikkerhedsafprøvningen for HPV-vaccinen.

  1. 2, nederst;

The placebo used in this study contained identical components to those in the vaccine, with the exception of HPV L1 VLPs and aluminum adjuvant,

in a total carrier volume of 0.5 mL. Vaccine and placebo were visually distinguishable.”